Sound of rain (poem)

Nature showers its blessing
Its feel like cake dressing
I would live this forever
its life, keep on guessing

All the trees are dancing
Look at those leaves bouncing
I can’t say this, never
I want to stay here forever

I would love the coffee at my terrace
If you don’t sink in this, its preposterous
It’s a beautiful moment, my friend
This beautiful moment will end

Dark clouds showers with noise
Lights the whole sky with a fierce cry
all the birds are quiet
Thanking the nature for the life

I will runout and I will relive
Barefoot eyes closed with a believe
Listening to the sound of rain
I can’t remember any pain

Happy New Year (poem)

Lived for twenty five years
Living with all those fears
Whenever I look back at them
I always fall apart in tears

Nothing changed but the digits
All I can see their minds are rigid
They all wanted me to accept that
How can I accept that? after all those deaths

Blood all over the road
There is no food
All I can hear is crying and screams
Because they have killed the groom

How can I be happy with all this
Blood, tears, screams and this mist
I should stand up and pick my pencil
Draw everything that is in my list

Black or white I am going to love them
Fat or slim I am going to love them
I have to change this year
To a real HAPPY YEAR